
Merlin Unwin Books, 2022
To Everything a Season is a beautifully crafted personal and reflective account of many years of the changing seasons, from autumn to autumn, in and around a village on the edge of the Cambridge Fenland. It is an uplifting reflection about change: what was, what is, what will be. More..
Crossroad: A Pilgrimage of Unknowing
Darton, Longman & Todd, 2022
Charles Moseley invites you to share with him many journeys, each in their way a kind of pilgrim quest. You can read them as a guide for you to follow, literally, in his footsteps – to Iona, Lindisfarne, Walsingham, Aran. Or you can walk alongside him in the spirit of faltering honesty, wry humour, spiritual questing, and the ever-present appreciation of landscape, ancient resonances, a tasty sandwich, a pair of good boots and a trusty stick. More..
Hungry Heart Roaming – An Odyssey of Sorts
Eyewear Books, 2021
The men running the little Calmac ferry from Fionnphort to Iona must have one of the most boring jobs in one of the most beautiful places in west Scotland – though the fast currents and rips in the sound can be tricky. Ten minutes to the holy place, with a whiff of diesel and hot engine. And back again. More..
Coming to Terms: Cambridge In and Out
London: IndieBooks, 2017
An undergraduate prank, of some finesse. Two young council workmen, way back in the 60s, were digging up a patch of King’s Parade, just where it was causing maximum inconvenience to a road then still open to through traffic. More..
Latitude North
London: IndieBooks, 2015
As the ebb gathered speed, the Saltstraum, which we had crossed at dead slack water, began to fret itself into little eddies, and then whirlpools, and then overfalls, and then massive standing waves in which no small boat could have lived. More..
Between the Tides: A Lancashire Youth
Ormskirk: Beaten Track Publishing, 2014
The sea and the beach were never far from the mind of anyone I knew. It was amenity — it was why the town was there. At Fleetwood, it was employment, for the fishing dominated the town. More..