New books – like buses – come in pairs
How do I get you interested? Start a long way away, with an amusing anecdote, from what I really want to say? You’d see through it. Anyway, there aren’t any recently: this last two years has had its bright spots, but the grey grimness of pandemic and its social and emotional effects has cast a […]
It’s been a pretty grim autumn. There is a constant ground bass of anxiety: over Covid, over the seeming incompetence of those who rule us, either as politicians or in the big multinational companies – who actually have more power than some nation states – and their unwillingness to tackle the one issue that unites […]
‘If you want to make God laugh, plan for the future.’ Woody Allen said something like that.
Frustrated – the Author’s Lament
Frustrated, annoyed, miserable, grumpy. It’s a job I hate. I’m just finishing reading the proofs of my 22nd book, Hungry Heart Roaming: An Odyssey of Sorts. I’m at the stage when I am deeply dissatisfied with what I’ve written, but it can’t now be changed. Even looking out of the study window at the garden I’ve made over the years doesn’t improve my mood.
Coronavirus Spring
2020: this spring will always be remembered as the Coronavirus Spring, and as I write this the outcome is wholly unknown and beyond guessing, whatever temporarily powerful politicians say. But what is certain, and obvious, is that like all things it will come to an end.