Selected List of Publications
Books and Editions
- To Everything A Season – The View from the Fen (Ludlow: Merlin Unwin Books, 2022)
- Crossroad: A Pilgrimage of Unknowing (London: Darton Longman & Todd, 2022)
- Hungry Heart Roaming (London: Eyewear Books, 2021)
- Coming to Terms: Cambridge In and Out, (London: IndieBooks, 2017)
- Latitude North, (London: IndieBooks, 2015)
- Between the Tides: A Lancashire Youth (Ormskirk: Beaten Track Publishing, 2014)
- Shakespeare’s King Henry IV (Humanities ebooks, 2007)
- Shakespeare’s Tempest (Humanities ebooks, 2007)
- A Very Brief Introduction to Theatre and theatres of Shakespeare’s Time (Humanities ebooks, 2007)
- Shakespeare’s Richard III: a Discussion (Humanities ebooks, 2007)
- Reading Shakespeare’s History Plays, (, 2001)
- Cambridge Observed: an Anthology (with Clive Wilmer). (Cambridge: Colt Books, 1998)
- Writers and their work: J. R. R. Tolkien (Plymouth: Northcote House, with the British Council, 1997)
- A Field Full of Folk: A Village Elegy (London: Aurum Press, 1995)
- ‘The Poetic Birth’: Milton’s Poems of 1645 (Scolar Press, 1991); published in paperback, without the section on the Latin poems, as Milton: The English Poems of 1645, by Penguin (UK) and Viking Penguin (USA), 1992
- A Century of Emblems: An Introduction to the Renaissance Emblem, (Scolar Press, 1989)
- Shakespeare: Richard III: A Critical Study, (Penguin Books, 1989)
- Shakespeare’s History Plays, ‘Richard II’ to ‘Henry V’ : The Making of a King, (Penguin Books, 1988; reprinted, 1990; US publication 1991; republished 2009 by Humanities Ebooks)
- Reach: a Brief History of a Fenland Village, (Daana Press, Cambridge: 1988; reprinted 1989; new edition 1999)
- Chaucer: The Pardoner’s Tale: A Critical Study, (Penguin Books, 1987)
- Chaucer: The Knight’s Tale: a Critical Study, (Penguin Books, 1986)
- The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, (Penguin Books, 1983; Second, revised and extended, edition, 2005)
- Editions, for school use, of Shakespeare
Winter’s Tale (1966)
King Henry IV, Part 2 (1966)
King Henry IV, Part 1 (1967)
King Richard III (1968)
Othello (1974)
- A revision of A. J. Wyatt, History of English Literature (1965)
Shorter Pieces
- ‘ “Look on this picture, and on this”: or “words, words, words”? in L’Image Brisée XVIe-XVIIe siècles / Breaking the Image 16th-17th centuries, Agnès Lafont, Christian Belin and Nicholas Myers (eds.), Paris: Classiques Garnier, (In the Press, 2019).
- ‘The Travels of Sir John Mandeville’, in the Routledge Encyclopaedia of Medieval Studies (2018)
- ‘Ancestral Voices’, in Literature and Cultural Memory, ed. Dragos Manea and Andreea Paris, (Amsterdam: Brill; in the Press)
- ‘Thomas Campion’s “There is a Garden in her Face”: text, context, subtext’, in Leonor de Santa Barbara, ed. Flowers: Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary conference, Nueva Universidad de Lisbõa, 2011 Húmus, for Fundação para Ciéncia e a Tecnologia (In the Press)
- Editorial essay as Guest Editor in Chaucer: Theory, Practice, Reading, Critical Survey, 29 (3), 2017.pp. 1-5
- ‘Tu numeris elementa ligas’: The Consolation of Nature’s Numbers in Parlement of Foulys, in Chaucer: Theory, Practice, Reading: Critical Survey, 29 (3), 2017.pp. 86-113
- Editorial essay as Guest Editor in Chaucer: Theory, Practice, Reading: Critical Survey, 30, (2), 2018.pp. 1-5
- Emblems and emblematics’, Cambridge World Shakespeare Encyclopaedia, ed. Bruce Smith (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2016)
- (Joint Author) ‘The Case for Reclassifying the Hythe, Reach, Cambridgeshire as a site of historic and archaeological significance’, Proceedings of the Cambridge Antiquarian Society, 2016, pp. 61-4
- ‘Shakespeare, ‘The Spanish Armada and the Mississippi’, Early Modern Culture On Line, 6 (2015) pp.10-21
- ‘Mandeville’s Travels and the Moral Geography of the Medieval World’, Portal: Journal of Multidisciplinary International Studies, University of Technology, Sydney, epress, Vol 11 n°2, (2015)
- ‘Speaking pictures: mediaeval religious art and its viewers’, in Stephen Prickett (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to the Bible, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014) pp. 175-194
- ‘Forging the key of remembrance’: books, cultures and memory’ in Michaela Irimia and (ed.) Literature and the Long Modernity, Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft (IFAVL), Volume 176 (Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2014) pp.11-24
- ‘What’s in a name? The Theatre of 1576’, Early Modern Culture Online, 5 (2014) pp.1-10
- Judicious, sharp spectators? Form, pattern and audience in early modern theatre: some problems’, Cahiers Elizabethains, 85 (Spring 2014), pp.8-20
- ‘Res Publica: a Matter of Concern’, in Luis Manuel A. V. Bernardo, Leonor Santa Barbara, and Luis Andrade, (eds.), Representações da República, (Lisbon: Húmus, for Fundação para Ciéncia e a Tecnologia, n.d [2013]), pp.29-39
- ‘“Whet-stone leasings of old Maundevile”: Reading the Travels in Early Modern England’, pp. 28-50, in Mandeville and Mandevillian Lore in Early Modern England, ed. Ladan Niayesh, (Manchester University Press, 2011)
- ‘New things to speak of’: Money, Memory and Mandeville’s Travels in early modern England’, Yearbook of English Studies Special Issue: Early Modern Travel Fiction, ed. N. Das, 41.1 (2011), pp.5-20
- ‘”The Groves of Eden, vanished now so long…’: Landscape, Art and Ideology in picturing the Lost Domain’, in Gábor Ittzés and Miklós Péti(eds) Milton Through the Centuries, L’Harmattan-KGRE, 2011)
- ‘ “How the Devil did he learn our Language?” Richard III and his languages’, English Studies in Albania, I (i) 2011, pp.7-22
- ‘“Action is Eloquence”: text, script, performance and the failure of criticism’, in A. Panajoti (ed.), The Said and the Unsaid: Papers on Language, Literature and Cultural Studies, (University of Vlora Ismail Qemali, Albania, 2011)
- ‘Introducing Mr Shakespeare, or What’s in a Title Page?’, trans. T. Ozawa, in Ozawa, T. et al., .A Kaleidoscope of Literature: English and American Literatures, and their Surrounding Areas, (Tokyo: Renga Shobo Shinsha. (New Brick Book Shop), 2010), pp.266-311
- ‘…To arrive where we started and know the place for the first time’, in (Ex)patriations: Papers from the first international conference, ed. Adina Ciugureana, Ovidius University, Romania, 2009)
- ‘The Literary and dramatic context of the Late Plays’, Chapter 5 in The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare’s Last Plays, ed. C. M. Alexander, (Cambridge University Press, 2009)
- ‘ “What ish my nation?” (MacMorris to Llewellyn, Henry V ): England, Britain and the Other’, in TRANS: Internet-Zeitschrift fur Kultur-Wissenschaften, Institut zur Erforschung und Főrderung Ősterreichisches und internationaler Literaturprozesse, (2009)
- Waiting for the death of Little Nell: Gas, flong, and the nineteenth century novel’, TRANS: Internet-Zeitschrift fur Kultur-Wissenschaften, Institut zur Erforschung und Főrderung Ősterreichisches und internationaler Literaturprozesse, 16, (2006)
- ‘A Portrait of Sir Christopher Hatton, Erasmus and an Emblem of Alciato: some questions.’ The Antiquaries’ Journal 86, (2006), pp. 373-9
- ‘Astraea in the Alps’, Classical Association Newsletter, 35 (December, 2006)
- ‘Mandeville and the Amazons’ in Jean de Mandeville in Europa. Neue Perspektiven in der Reiseliteraturforschung, hg. v. Ernst Bremer/Susanne Röhl (Mittelalter Studien 12), (München: Fink Verlag, 2007)
- ‘Get thee up into a high Mountain’: The English Lake District as Virtual Landscape’, TRANS: Internet-Zeitschrift fur Kultur-Wissenschaften, Institut zur Erforschung und Főrderung Ősterreichisches und internationaler Literaturprozesse. (2004)
- William Shakespeare’, in Continuum Encyclopaedia of British Literature, ed. S. Serafin, (Continuum, New York, 2002)
- Foreword in O. B. Duane, Chivalry, (Brockhampton Press, 1997)
- ‘Sir John Mandeville’, article in The Chaucer Encyclopaedia, Gen.Ed. Ruggiers (University of Oklahoma Press, in the Press)
- ‘What shall we do with the Seventeenth Century?’, Editorial Essay, in ‘Writing/Revolution: The Seventeenth Century ‘, Critical Survey Special Issue, 5 no 3 (1993)
- ‘Les mondes des Voyages de Jean de Mandeville’, in Résurgences: recherches aux sources et aux confluents de la littérature, 2(1),’L’écriture et la voie’, (Spring, 1993)
- ‘Portia’s music and the naughty world’, in Loughrey and Cookson, (eds.) The Merchant of Venice’: Critical Essays (Longmans, 1992)
- Editorial essay in special issue ‘Shakespeare and Tragedy’, Critical Survey, 3(2), May 1991
- ‘Andrew Willett’s Emblem Book: a reconsideration’, Yearbook of English Studies, 20 (1990), pp. 182-207
- ‘British Library Additional MS 24189: some curious ships’, Mariner’s Mirror, 76(2), (1990) pp. 176-77
- ‘Innogen’s Bedroom’, Notes and Queries, 235, June 1990, pp.197-8
- ‘’A Sweetnesse readie penn’d’: Art, Love and Devotion in Herbert’s The Temple, in The Metaphysical Poets: Critical Essays, ed. Loughrey and Cookson, (Longmans, 1990), pp.58-68
- ‘The Pardoner versus his Tale’, in ‘The Pardoner’s Tale’: Critical Essays , ed. Loughrey and Cookson, (Longmans, 1990), pp.46-54
- ‘Speaking Pictures: visual symbol in Antony and Cleopatra’, in Antony and Cleopatra: Critical Essays , ed. Loughrey and Cookson, (Longmans, 1990), pp.84-92
- ‘A surviving Fenland lighter’, Mariner’s Mirror, 76(3) (1990), pp.271-81
- `This Blessed Plot: the Garden Scene in Richard II’, in Loughrey and Cookson, (eds), ‘Richard II’: Critical Essays, (London, 1989), pp. 94-104
- ‘The General Prologue as a prologue’, in Loughrey and Cookson (eds), ‘The Canterbury Tales’: Critical Essays, (London, 1989), pp. 105-18
- ‘’Men were deceivers ever’‘, in Loughrey and Cookson (eds.), ‘Much Ado about Nothing’: Critical Essays, (London, 1989), pp.43-52
- ‘Of Centaurs and Minotaurs: Vaenius’ emblem Nihil Silentio Utilius and Alciato’s Non Vulganda Consilia’, Bulletin du Bibliophile, 1989, pp.324-330
- ‘A note on possible acrostics in Paradise Lost’, Notes and Queries, 233 (June 1988), pp.162-3
- ‘MacBeth’s Free Fall’, in Loughrey and Cookson (eds), ‘Macbeth’: Critical Essays, (London, 1988), pp.22-34
- ‘Trial and Judgement in King Lear ‘, in Loughrey and Cookson (eds), ‘King Lear’: Critical Essays (London, 1988), pp. 65-75
- ‘The Masque unmask’d: spectacle in The Tempest’, in Loughrey and Cookson (eds), ‘The Tempest’: Critical Essays (London, 1988), pp.114-126
- ‘Cleopatra’s Prudence: three notes on the use of emblems in Antony and Cleopatra’, Shakespeare Jahrbuch (West), 1986, pp. 119-137
- ‘Behaim’s Globe and Mandeville’s Travels’, Imago Mundi, XXXIII, (1981), pp. 89-93
- ‘The Computer and the School Library’, Conference, XVII, No.1, (1980), p.11
- ‘A reading of Donne’s Holy Sonnet XIV’, Archiv für das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, CCXVII, (1980), pp. 103-8
- ‘A Brief Architectural Guide to the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Swaffham Prior’, (1980, published by the Parochial Church Council, Swaffham Prior, Cambridgeshire)
- ‘Some suggestions about the writing of The Squire’s Tale’, Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, CCXII, (1975), pp.124-7
- The Availability of Mandeville’s Travels in England’, The Library, XXX, No.1, (1975), pp.125-133
- ‘The Metamorphoses of Sir John Mandeville’, The Yearbook of English Studies, IV, (1974), pp.5-25
- ‘Chaucer, Sir John Mandeville and the Alliterative Revival: an hypothesis concerning relationships’, Modern Philology, LXXII, No.2. (1974), pp.182-4
- ‘Richard Head’s The English Rogue’, The Yearbook of English Studies, I, (1971), pp.102-107
- ‘Sir John Mandeville’s Visit to the Pope; the Implications of an interpolation, Neophilologus, LIV, No.1 (1970), pp.77-80
- ‘The Lost Play of Mandeville’, The Library, XXV, No.1 (1970), pp.46- 49
- ‘Stitched ships and Loadstone Rocks’, Notes and Queries, 213, (September, 1968), p.323
- ‘Stitched ships and Loadstone Rocks’, Notes and Queries, 213, (September, 1968), p.323
- J. Lyon. ‘The Merchant of Venice’: Harvester New CriticalIntroductions to Shakespeare , Critical Survey , I No 2 (1989), pp 218-220.
- K. J. Höltgen, Aspects of the Emblem: Studies in the English Emblem and the European Context (Kassel, 1986), in Modern Language Review, 85(1) (1990) pp.147-8
- P. M. Daly, The English Emblem and the Continental Tradition, (New York, 1988), in Modern Language Review 85(1) (1990) pp.145-6
- P. M. Daly et al., (eds), The English Emblem Tradition, Vol. 1, (Toronto, 1988), in Modern Language Review 85(2), 1990, pp. 407-8
- J. Manning (ed.,) The Emblems of Thomas Palmer: ‘Two Hundred Poosees’: Sloane MS 4794 (New York, 1988), in Modern Language Review 85(3) (1990), pp.689-90.
- The Art of the Emblem: Essays in Honor of Karl Josef Höltgen. Ed. by Michael Bath, John Manning, and Alan R. Young (AMS Studies in the Emblem, 9) New York: 1993.
- Emblematica; An Interdisciplinary journal for Emblem Studies Summer Vol. 6 No.1. (New York: AMS Press.), Yearbook of English Studies, 25 No 1 (Jan 1995)
- Michael Bath, Speaking Pictures: English Emblem Books and Renaissance Culture, (London, 1994), in Modern Language Review 90.4 (1995) pp.976-7
- P. M. Daly et al., (eds), The English Emblem Tradition, Vol. 2 (Toronto, 1993), in Yearbook of English Studies, 27 (1), (1996), pp.267-8.
- Elizabeth See Wilson, Achille Bocchi and the Emblem Book As Symbolic Form (Cambridge, New York and Melbourne, 1994), in Modern Language Review, 92 (2) (1997)
- Ayers L. Bagley, Edward M. Griffin, Austin J. Maclean, The Telling Image (AMS Press, New York, 1996), in Modern Language Review, 94 (3), (1999)
- Alan R. Young (ed.), The English Emblem Tradition, Vol. 5, Henry Peacham’s Manuscript Emblem Books (Toronto, 1998), in Yearbook of English Studies, (In the Press)
- Emblematica: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Emblem Studies. Vol. 8. No.2. Winter 1994. Ed. By Peter M. Daly, Daniel S. Russell, and John Manning. New York: AMS Press. 1997; Vol.9 No 1. Summer 1995, (Modern Language Review, 94.3 (1999)
- The English Emblem Tradition, Vol. IV, ed. Peter M. Daly et al., (Toronto, Buffalo, N.Y., and London: Toronto University Press 1998.
- The English Emblem Tradition Vol. V, ed. Alan R. Young et al., (Toronto, Buffalo, N.Y., and London: Toronto University Press 1998);
- Emblematica: an interdisciplinary journal for Emblem Studies, 9.2 (Winter, 1995) ed. Peter M. Daly, Daniel S. Russell, and J. Manning, in Modern Language Review, 96.3 (2001) pp. 786-9
- Deviceful Settings: The English Renaissance Emblem and its Contexts, ed. Michael Bath and Daniel Russell. (AMS Studies in the Emblem 13) New York: AMS Press, 1999, Yearbook of English Studies, 32 (2002) pp.288-90.
- Review of Elizabeth MacGregor, The Ice Child (New York and London, (2001), Polar Record, (2002).
- Review of Martin Holdgate: Penguins and Mandarins: Memories of Natural and Unnatural History, (The Memoir Club, Spennymoor, 2003) in Cambridge (2004)
- Review of Wayne Davies: Writing geographical Exploration: James and the Northwest Passage, (University of Calgary Press, 2003), Polar Record, 41, Issue 02, (April 2005), pp 168-171
- Review of Richard Barber, The Holy Grail, (Allen Lane, London, 2004),The Antiquaries’ Journal 85 (2005)
- John Hines: Voices in the Past: English Literature and Archaeology (D. S. Brewer, Woodbridge, 2004), The Antiquaries’ Journal, 85 (2005)
- M. C. Seymour, The Egerton Version of Mandeville’s Travels, EETS 2010, Medium Aevum LXXXIII, (2014) p.356.
Keynote Speaker at Conferences
- Portugal, New University of Lisbon, September 2011 and May 2014
- Romania, University of Bucharest, November 2011, November 2012
- Szeged, Hungary, September 2013